News and Events

Spirit-Heat / News & events

News about SPIRIT

Don’t waste the warmth: how industrial heat pumps can recover excess heat

From one of Germany’s largest paper factories to a metal processing plant for the beauty industry in Spain: how can heat pumps recover excess heat? 

Heat and Eat: heat pumps in the food and beverage industry 

From pineapple to prawns and pints of beer, every part of the food and drink sector can be decarbonised with heat pumps.

Power to efficiency: unlocking industrial decarbonisation through heat pumps 

What role do heat pumps play in industrial decarbonisation? This is the question that was addressed by the webinar “Sustaining success of industrial heat pumps – a call to action!” hosted by EHPA on 14 March.

Don’t waste your energy! How heat pumps reuse waste heat in industry

The number of heat pumps used in industry is considerably lower than those installed in residential and commercial buildings. By 2050, the total number of industrial heat pumps worldwide is projected to reach 80 million.  

Large heat pumps: the future-proof technology for the new industrial revolution 

As the world strives to fight climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the decarbonisation of industrial heat supply has become a top priority.

Industrial heat pumps: decarbonising industry for a greener future 

Already today, high-temperature heat pumps and waste heat recovery are helping decarbonise the industrial sector, and their role can grow massively.

‘Game changing’: SPIRIT project targets climate-friendly industrial heating

A new EU project funded by Horizon Europe aims to make heat pumps the lead heating technology for industry by 2030.